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Tapioca Pearls Macadamia Pudding

Teresa Laury

Sagu de Leite de Macadâmias

Tapioca pearls pudding is a typical Brazilian dessert made with cassava starch pearls, which are cooked and added, more commonly, to red wine. It is called "sagu".

It has indigenous origin. Native indians used to cooked cassava, chopped into small pieces.

More recently, about 150 years ago it was transformed into dessert because due to the arrival of the Portuguese royal family to Brazil, much of its cooking was incorporated into Brazilian cook. Cassava and port wine created togheter this much loved dessert.

In the middle of last century, the "sagu" started to have shape of pearls, with production on an industrial scale.

I present this recipe made with the creamy and delicate macadamia milk, but it can be replaced by almond milk, and served as a warm comfort food for colder weather.

Tapioca Pearls Macadamia Pudding Recipe

Sugar free, gluten free and vegan.

Serves: 3 persons

Dificulty: easy

Time: 4h to soak macadamia nuts + 3h to soak tapioca pearls + 20 min for cooking

Milk Ingredients

3/4 cup macadamia nuts

15 dried dates

3 cups water

Pudding Ingredients

1/4 cup of tapioca pearls

5 cardamom seeds

2 star anise

3 cloves

White raisins (optional)

Macadamia nuts and cinnamon powder to decorate and serve

Directions for Milk

Soak macadamia nuts and dates for at least 4 hours, or if you have short time, boil them quickly.

Discard the water from the sauce and mix them well using a liquidificador with 3 cups of water.

Sift with a cloth and set aside.

Directions for Pudding

Soak tapioca pearls in 2 cups of the prepared milk for about 4 hours, or less, if necessary. But the less time soaking, more time is needed for cooking.

Set aside remaining milk.

After soaking, cook it with the spices - make a small opening in cardamom seeds - stirring constantly until tapioca pearls be completely cooked. The remaining cup of milk will be used gradually if it gets too dry.

Add white raisins just before the end of the cooking.

If serving it cold, put more milk because it will even solidify in the refrigerator.

Add the macadamia nuts and cinnamon when serving.

Good appetite!

Sagu de Leite de Macadâmias


It is a very nutritious food and should be taken with caution by kapha dosha.


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