Healthy Christmas DinnerTeresa Laury17 de dez. de 2015See 4 recipes of Vita Nutrire as a suggestion for your Christmas dinner. Merry Christmas! 1. Arracacha and Shitake Cottage Pie 2. Stuffed Zucchini with Amaranth and Sunflower Seed Cream 3. Apricot Verrine 4. Tartlets of Banana and Dates * Images with copyright Vita Nutrire.
See 4 recipes of Vita Nutrire as a suggestion for your Christmas dinner. Merry Christmas! 1. Arracacha and Shitake Cottage Pie 2. Stuffed Zucchini with Amaranth and Sunflower Seed Cream 3. Apricot Verrine 4. Tartlets of Banana and Dates * Images with copyright Vita Nutrire.